Cookie mindfulness

I am having a hungry day. I don’t just want a cookie. I want all the cookies. I ate one small packet of Snackwell vanilla crème cookies earlier and immediately started thinking about what else I could find to snack on.

What gives, hunger? My thoughts moved to quell the desire. You know you’re trying to cut down on sugar, my inner parent chided. Having another cookie is not a good idea.

I noticed my inner struggle. What if hunger is just hunger? What if I just sat with it, felt it, got curious about the desire, and supported it? Hunger is a vital part of our lives, letting us know when we need nourishment–or when we’re bored, or when we are swallowing our emotions (discerning which is which can be a challenge). But what if I stopped struggling with it and just let it be? And let myself be? And let my need in this moment be met by a caring, loving presence? And a cookie, if I choose.

Immediately the arm-wrestling forces within me cease and desist. My curiosity brings my awareness into the foreground. Now I’ll learn something. And have a little peace. And maybe another cookie. 🙂

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